And the Things just keep on coming!

The day after Easter this year was April Fools Day or is it April Fool’s Day? The French celebrate April Fish, or Poisson d’Avril. I’m not fooling; if you want to play along the French way make some paper fish and stick them on your friends’ backs then run away yelling Poisson d’Avril! … or not. Foolish, to say the least.

That crazy rabbit…

Easter came on the 31st of March, ALSo early. Usually we have an Easter Egg hunt but we had no hunters around this year so we ate the rabbit, hazelnut, very good. It came with a little bell, I am very partial to bells, and bows.

Then Spring Came!

I was born on the Vernal Equinox when it occurred on the 21st of March some years ago but this year it arrived very early, on the 19th of March and earlier still in this part of the world, 8.09 PM Pacific Standard Time.

There have been things

Amongst these things in March there was a trip to California. It was such a fine trip to visit with some very important people… and their cat. California is an incredible place and we were in just one tiny area. Everywhere we walked there were citrus trees, filled with citrus fruit and the ground was littered with more citrus fruit! We Canadians just can’t get over that kind of thing.

Family has a Day

Up here in Canada many lucky provinces observe “Family Day” (they do Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Nova Scotia Heritage Day in guess where and Islander Day in Prince Edward Island). When we can’t get together as a family unit then we then we just have to be satisfied with observing each other from afar. In my observation I appear to have an exceptional family. You probably do too.

Be Mine

I am of the tribe who look forward to St. Valentine’s Day every year. It is such a brilliant day when we can tell anyone that we love them and we can let them know how much we love to love them. I also love to make Valentine cards each year… so many Valentines, the post office should make a commemorative stamp for me. I would love that. I would also love it if you sent me a Valentine next year.

90 million years ago

They thundered through the land

Those dinosaurs had love to show

That’s where it all began.

From single cell to behemoth,

It took some doing that,

Through every step their love they troth

And new life was begat.

But prehistoric love was doomed,

They didn’t see it coming

And crossed stars crashed disaster loomed,

The end had no outrunning.

So they are gone, they had their time

Our world has life anew

But every knowing Valentine

Has lived for love that’s true.

KBW 2024

Almost forget to say Robbie Burns had his day!

This year’s Robbie Burns poem is entitled:


(Epigram On The Said Occasion... On A Henpecked Country Squire)

One Queen Artemisia, as old stories tell,

When deprived of her husband she loved so well,

In respect for the love and affection he show'd her,

She reduc'd him to dust and she drank up the powder.

But Queen Netherplace, of a diff'rent complexion,

When called on to order the fun'ral direction,

Would have eat her dead lord, on a slender pretence,

Not to show her respect, but-to save the expense

Robert Burns 1794

Queen Artemisia, named after the Goddess Artemis, sister of Apollo, is the only woman Herodotus attributed with the virtue of courage, or andreia, an almost impossible quality for a woman to possess since it literally meant 'manliness'.

She married the king of Halicarnassus and when her beloved died she took the throne and made her name as a brave warrior and esteemed strategist. Artemisia absinthium, commonly known as wormwood, is used as an ingredient in the spirit Absinthe, the Green Faerie.